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Ionization in the field of a strong electromagneticwave,” Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. [Sov. PhysJ. Teor. FizA comprehensive genetic map of the human genome based on 5,264 microsatellites.The 1993-94 Genethon human genetic linkage map.The 1993|[ndash]|94 G|[eacute]|n|[eacute]|thon human genetic linkage mapRisikostratifizierung einer progressiven multifokalen Leukenzephalopathie unter NatalizumabBacterial infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A study of stable and exacerbated outpatients using the protected spec...Salutogenese. Zur Entmystifizierung der GesundheitA Radiation Hybrid Map of the Human GenomeEstimate of human gene number provided by genome-wide analysis using Tetraodon nigroviridis DNA sequence.